
Acadamic Rules (General)

Academic Rules (General)

The Government College University, Faisalabad (GCUF) was established under the Government College University, Faisalabad Ordinance by Government of the Punjab in 2002. The University is offering Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate programs in various disciplines following semester system. The present document describes Rules and Regulations governing the Semester System as well as examinations and promotion effective from “Fall Semester 2017-18”.


  1. These rules may be called Government College University Faisalabad Semester Rules for Undergraduate, Graduate & Postgraduate programs.
  2. It extends to the all programs in whole University, Sub-Campuses and Affiliated Colleges.
  3. It shall come into force with effect from Fall Semester 2017-18.


  1. “Academic Year” An Academic Year runs from September to August. There are two regular semesters (Fall and Spring) and summer semester in it.
  2. “Board of Studies” means the Board of Studies (BoS) of the concerned Department of the University. The BoS is responsible
    for approving the coursework and plan of study of the relevant academic program.
  3. “Chairperson or Chairman” means the Head of the concerned Department of the University.
  4. “Coordinator” of a department means an academic staff member, who keeps the academic record and coordinates the educational and examination-related activities of the concerned department.
  5. “CGPA” is the Cumulative Grade Point Average for the semesters.
  6. “College” means the constituent or Affiliated College of the University.
  7. “Comprehensive Examination” means an examination or assessment at Graduate/ Postgraduate level to evaluate the overall academic ability of a candidate.
  8. “Controller” means the Controller of Examinations of the University.
  9. “Coursework” is the mode of a program of studies, whereby, the candidate are required to follow instruction as prescribed
    in the form of lectures, academics, examinations, assignments, projects etc.
  10. “Credit Hour” means one lecture hour and / or one session (two to three hours of practical work per week) for sixteen weeks.
  11. “Dean” means the Chairperson of the Board of Faculty.
  12. “Degree” means a document awarded ‘by the
    University to a candidate who has fulfilled the requirements for Undergraduate or Graduate or Postgraduate program.
  13. “Department / Institute / Centre / School” means the concerned Department/Institute/Centre/School of the University.
  14. “Director” means the Head of an Institute/Centre/School of the University.
  15. “Examination” means any form of evaluation to assess a candidate’s performance.
  16. “External Examiner” means a person from outside the University having suitable qualification and experience in the relevant
    discipline. He/she should have not taught the subject in any to the class / section for which examination is being held.
  17. “Final Examination” means the examination held at the end of the semester upon completion of the study period of each semester.
  18. “GPA” stands for Grade Point Average ranging from 0 to 4.0.
  19. “Grades” the letters or points awarded to the students on the basis of the earned score
  20. “I-Grade” means the Incomplete Grade.
  21. “Improve” means a course taken to improve the grade already scored.
  22. “Internal Examiner” means a person teaching a course for which the examination is being held, and a faculty member (normally Supervisor or Co-Supervisor) appointed by the University to evaluate the performance of a Graduate and Postgraduate candidate.
  23. “Mid-term Examination” means the evaluation to be held during the course of the semester. Midterm will be held after
    completing 8 weeks of studies or as determined by the Departmentconcerned.
  24. “Program” means a program of studies offered by the  University, such as for Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees or any other Diploma and Certification.
  25. “Repeat” means a course taken again after failing in first attempt.
  26. “Special Examination” means a chance given to the students on medical/emergency grounds in lieu of the scheduled examination.
  27. “Semester” means a period of academic activities, normally 18 weeks including sixteen weeks of instruction, and two weeks of examinations.
  28. “Student” means a person enrolled in an academic program of the University as per prescribed procedures.
  29. “Subject” means a course of studies as prescribed in the detailed syllabi, whose successful completion of the program.
  30. “Summer Semester” means a period of academic activities, of 8 to 10 weeks including 8 weeks of instruction, and two weeks of examinations.
  31. “Supervisor” means a person appointed by the University to supervise and or monitor a candidate’s research for thesis
    / report / dissertation and its writing and final completion.
  32. “Syllabi” means syllabi of the concerned discipline approved by the Statuary Bodies as BoS, ASRB, Academic Council of the University.
  33. “Thesis” is an academic composition based on
    research work presented by a candidate as a requirement of Graduate and
    Postgraduate Degree program.
  34. “W-Grade” means withdrawn course that will not be counted in CGP calculation.


All the admissions will be made according to the admission policy given in the prospectus.


There shall be 2 semesters (Fall and Spring) of 18 weeks each in an Academic Year, followed by a summer semester of 10 weeks. The commencement of semesters shall be regulated by the Academic Council.

(Explanation: Out of 18 weeks of a semester, 16 weeks shall be actual teaching time; the rest may be utilized for enrollment, conduct of examinations and declaration of results, etc. and likewise Out of 10 weeks of a Summer semester, 08 weeks shall be actual teaching time; the rest 02 weeks may be utilized for enrollment, conduct of examinations and declaration of results, etc.)


There shall be total 26 weeks in each semester.

  1. Teaching Contact Weeks & Mid-Term Examinations 22 Weeks (The Mid-term examinations will be scheduled by the respective department).
  2. Final Term Examination 02 Weeks
  3. Result Submission 01 Week
  4. Enrollment for next Semester 01 Week

Credit Hours will be offered according to the scheme of studies: Maximum 18 credit hours per semester and Minimum 12 credit hours per semester are prescribed, for the BS and MA/MSc Programmes.


  1. Credit hours may only be transferred between HEC Recognized Universities (main campus), This Facility will not be provided to any sub-campus of the Public Sector University in any Affiliated College.
  2. Migration shall be allowed after successful completion of one Academic Year, having CGPA 3.00 out of 4.00,
  3. Credits are transferred on course to course basis i.e. a person taking course A at University X is allowed to transfer his/her credits to University Y provided that course A is equivalent to course B taught at the Y University. Credits of a course passed in “D” grade will not be transferred and counted in calculation of total credit hours.
  4. The percentage of the students in the courses which were passed from the parent University will be considered at the minimum percentage of the respective grade of this University in the GPA/ CGPA i.e. ‘A’ grade=80%, ‘B’ grade = 65% and ‘C’ grade= 50% (irrespective of his/ her percentage acquired at parent University while granting migration) and this practice will be continued in future migration cases on the recommendations of Equivalence Committee provided that:


    1. The contents of the course(s) for which credit is claimed, are identical/ similar to the course in new planned course work.
    2. The course for which credit is claimed has not been used for any other degree.
    3. A course studied to qualify a degree will not be taken/ considered for any other and higher degree program.
    4. Credit earned for a course shall laps on the expiry of five years for regular student and seven years for part time student from the end of the semester in which the course was qualified. The Dean/Coordinator may revalidate the lapsed courses for special reasons to be recorded.
  5. Higher Education Institutes are at liberty to enroll students (if they fulfill their criteria) for any semester or for any single class
    and issue the students a transcript for the courses completed.


    1. All courses will be designated appropriate three digit course code numbers and will be preceded by the suitable alphabets (three letter) indicating the name of the respective department.
    2. The teachers / instructors will be required to hand over detailed course outline to the students within 7 days of the beginning of semester and will send a copy of course outline and work plan to the chairman of the concerned department.
    3. A full time student can enroll credit hours in a semester including regular plus repeat / resit courses according to the following table. This will be applicable for all programs (Regular, Weekend, Distance



Repeat / Re-Sit











*One additional credit hour can be allowed by the respective Dean on the written request of student on the recommendation of Chairperson of the department.

  1. No course shall carry more than 4 credit hours.
  2. For Repeat / Re-sit / Improvement / Re-enrollment of courses within the semester residential period, per credit hour / course fee will be charged.
  3. For Repeat / Re-sit / Improvement / Re-enrollment of courses within the summer semester , Rs.10000 / course fee will be charged.
  4. For Repeat / Re-sit / Improvement / Re-enrollment of courses beyond the residential period, full semester fee will be charged.


  1. If the course(s) studied by a candidate in his /her previous degree (on the basis of which admission is requested) does not provide adequate background for the degree program of study, he/she may be required to rectify the deficiency by taking additional course(s) as determined by the respective Departmental Board of Studies.Student may enroll the deficiency course/s during the summer semester.


  1. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English (except Faculty of Islamic and Oriental Learning, which may be Urdu or their relevant subject languages).


  1. Any student consistently found absent from classes during first four weeks; after the commencement of the semester as per announced schedule, his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.

11. Summer Semester

  1. A student who wants to take “Audit” or “Deficiency” or “Advance Course”, he/she may enroll in summer semester.
  2. A student of (BS/BSc or M.Sc or equivalent) who has failed any subject or wants to improve his/her “D” grade may be allowed to register in summer.
  3. A student shall only be allowed to register only two courses (up to 08 credit hours).
  4. In the summer semester a course will be offered for minimum eight students. However, in exceptional cases a course will be offered to at least 5 students as special case on the recommendations of the Chairman of the Department and the Dean
    of the Faculty duly approved by the Vice Chancellor.
  5. Rs. 10000/- fee will be charged per course per student, if less than 8 students are enrolled in a course they will pay more fee to make total Rs. 80000/- accumulatively.
  6. A teacher shall be allowed to teach not more than two courses in summer.
  7. A teacher shall be allowed to teach the course who has not taught these courses in preceding regular semester.


  1. Any student consistently found absent from classes during first four weeks; after the commencement of the semester as per announced schedule, his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.


  1. A student may discontinue/freeze enrolled semester before appearing in the final examination with the permission of the Vice
    Chancellor obtained through the respective Directorates i.e. Directorate of Undergraduate & Directorate of Advanced Studies, on the recommendations of the Dean/Coordinator of respective faculty and Director/Chairperson/incharge on account of sickness duly certified by the University Medical Officer or due to circumstances beyond his/her control subject to fulfillment of condition that the student has passed the final examination of previous semester with minimum prescribed
    GPA/CGPA required for the said degree program.
  2. The facility of freezing will be allowed only once during whole degree program and for two semesters only (one Academic Year).
  3. A student so permitted to freeze is required to resume his/her studies after the two semesters (one freezed semester and other gap with zero credit hour semester) on the recommendations of Director/ Principal/ Chairman concerned and the Dean/Coordinator and notified by respective Directorates. However, the resumption of semester in Undergraduate & Master Degree program will be after one Academic Year with junior batch and in MS/MPhil & PhD programs may be in the
    next semester.
  4. During the semester freeze, bonafide status of the student shall remain suspended. The student will not be entitled to avail any privilege as that of a regular student. Student has to submit the complete fee dues for a freeze semester and Rs.5000 for the gap semester for Undergraduate & Master Degree programs to maintain his
  5. A candidate shall not ordinarily be allowed to freeze his/her studies during 1st semester. However, in case of circumstances beyond his/her control i.e. accident/swear illness his/her admission may be retained subject to the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
  6. Application for deferment of the 1st semester within four weeks of the start of semester can be made by the student(s) in special cases and will be approved by the Competent Authority. In case of acceptance of the request, the student will restart semester-I with the next admitted batch.
  7. For the defreezing of a semester, the student will have to submit the request to the Authority through the Chairperson at least 2 weeks before start of the semester.
  8. The student will have to pay dues at the prevalent rate at rejoining time and shall be required to follow all the Rules & Regulation prescribed for new session as applicable for Undergraduate & Master Degree Programs.
  9. The freezing period (time of absence) will not be included in the stipulated period for the program.


  1. An application for enrollment in a course/s on the prescribed “Course Registration Form” accompanied by proof of fee paid (bank receipt) shall be presented in the office of the respective directorate duly signed by respective Chairperson and Dean of faculty.
  2. The office of the Dean/Coordinator under special circumstances and on payment of late fee of Rs. 500/- may permit a student to enroll within 5 working days after the commencement of the classes.
  3. The Vice Chancellor may allow a student to enroll till the last day of the 4th week after the commencement of classes, with double late fee of Rs. 1000/-
  4. Enrollment in absentia is not allowed. Student is required to be present in person with a proof of identification (University Identity Card or Computerized National Identity Card etc.) for enrollment.
  5. Enrollment will only be considered complete when Course Registration Form (GS-10/UG-1) is submitted to the office of the Director, Advanced Studies/Director Undergraduate Studies. Only depositing of fee will not serve the purpose.
  6. A candidate admitted to a degree program shall, far so long as the student has not completed course work or submitted Thesis / Research Report / Research Paper/ Internship Report (whichever is applicable), have to enroll for each next semester.


  1. A student may be permitted to revise his/her Course Registration Form within 20 days from the commencement of classes. After this period he/she may be allowed to revise Course Registration Form up to 28th day from the commencement of classes on payment of Rs.1, 000/- as Course Registration Form revision fee.
  2. The students of first semester may be allowed to revise his/her Course Registration Form within 30 days of the last date of enrollment.


  1. Whenever a student fails or gets a ‘F’ grade, he/she has to repeat the course, whenever offered.
  2. Student may be allowed to improve the courses in which he/she has obtained Grade ‘D’; during the completion of course work i.e. residential period.
  3. After the completion of all semesters “if student scores CGPA 2.25 or more but less than 2.5; he/she may be allowed to improve courses in which he/she has obtained grade ‘D’ within stipulated period.
  4. The Institution may define maximum number of courses that student may be allowed to repeat or improve, in special cases.
  5. Two chances will be allowed to repeat the subject in the program (maximum three takes per subject).
  6. In case a student repeats or improves the course in regular semester, the new grade will be reflected in the respective semester where he/she has passed or improved the course in the DMC.
  7. In case a student repeats or improves the course in summer semester, the new grade will be reflected under the “summer semester” where he/she has passed or improved the course in the DMC.
  8. If a student fails to improve the marks, the previous marks will be considered for the calculation of GPA/CGPA.


  1. A student may apply for course waiver. Applications for course exemption must be submitted to the concerned academic department for approval. The application must be accompanied by the supporting documents showing that equivalent courses have been taken elsewhere.
  2. The student may be allowed to revise his/her Course Registration Form within first four weeks of the last date of enrollment without any late fee.
  3. In case of approval of his/her application for change of courses, the average of the remaining courses will be used to calculate grade point average.


  1. A candidate with less than 75% of the attendance in lectures or practical work or equivalent academic activity separately shall not be eligible to sit for the examination and may be dropped from the course. (for all programs including Weekend programs).
  2. In exceptional cases / hardship cases the following exemptions may be accorded.
    1. 5% by the Dean of the Faculty on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the department.
    2. Additional 5% by the Vice Chancellor.
  3. If a student fails to attend any lecture (without any authorization) during the first four weeks of the commencement of the semester as per the announced schedule, his/her admission shall stand cancelled
    automatically without any notice.
  4. A student may apply for the leave of absence in case of illness, family circumstances and in emergency. The length of leave will have to be mentioned and the circumstances should be explained in the application. The length of leave of absence will be a deciding factor whether he/she can continue his studies for the rest of the semester. If the leave is longer than a specified period, the student may apply for the deferment of the semester.


19.1. Examination Fee
  1. University examination fee shall be charged at the time of enrollment of each semester.
19.2. Tests and Examinations
    1. There shall be two mandatory examinations in each semester i.e. Mid Term and Final Term. Any student absent in the final
      examination shall be considered as a fail. In addition to these examinations the teacher shall give home assignments and quizzes etc. to the students. The teacher will be solely responsible for deciding the mode, conduct as well as evaluation of examination in his/her course. The grade given by the teacher shall be final.
    2. For Distance Learning Programs, a collective final exam will be conducted. Student has to get passing marks in assignment and final examination separately.
    3. The mid-semester examination shall be held during 9th week of the semester and carry 30 percent of the total allocated marks for the course. This examination shall be held by the concerned teacher who shall proceed according to the University rules.
    4. For the purpose of evaluation, one credit hour will carry 20 marks e.g., a four credit hours will carry 80 marks. These marks will be divided in accordance with the credits assigned to theory and practical
      (where applicable) for each course.
    5. To pass a deficiency course a student is required to obtain at least “C” grade.
    6. The following weightage shall be given to the examinations, home assignments, etc.

Regular and Weekend Programs
(a) Mid-semester examination                                    30%
(b) Home assignments / quizzes, presentations etc.,   20%
(c) Final examination                                                 50%
Total:                                                                       100%

Distance Learning Programs
(a) At least Two Assignments as sessional evaluation       20%
(b) Final Examination (No Mid Exam)                               80%
Total:                                                                            100%

Note: (fraction in total obtained marks of a course will be rounded to the nearest whole number)

    1. The scripts of each examination shall be discussed with the students.
    2. To qualify a course, it is essential to pass separately the theory and practical (where applicable) examinations with aggregation to be at least 40 percent except for Engineering and Pharmacy Degree programs where aggregation pass marks requirement is 50%.
    3. The duration of examination shall be as under;

Mid-Semester Examination (One hour)          Final Examination (Two to three hours)

  1. Question paper for the mid and final term examination shall be set by the respective teacher. However, Chairperson/ Principal/ Director/ Departmental Incharge shall ensure the quality and standard of the
    question paper set by the teacher.
  2. The teacher shall send the final award list of the course through the respective Chairperson to the office of the Controller of
    Examinations within 10 days after the end of a semester. The Dean/Coordinator may condone the delay in result submission. A copy of the award list should also be sent to the office of the Director/Principal/ Chairman and the Dean/Coordinator concerned.
  3. On receipt of the award lists, the Controller of Examinations shall notify the results and send copies to the office of the
    Dean/Coordinator, Director/Principal and the Chairman of the concerned Department.
    1. This Committee shall have proper role in supervising and evaluating the conduct of all examinations in the Department. The
    1. Committee may comprise the following:
  1. Chairperson/Incharge of Department (Convener).
  2. Two faculty members of the Department (one may be program coordinator, the other as Secretary of Committee).
  3. The teacher concerned may be co-opted in case of complaint of a student.
    1. All tests and examinations shall take place on the premises specified by the Departmental Examination Committee.
    2. The schedule of tests and midterm/final examinations shall be notified by the Departmental Examination Committee at the beginning of the Semester or whenever these are announced by the Office of the Controller of Examinations.
    3. Students are responsible for checking the date time and location of their examinations from the given schedules.
    4. Student who is unable to take an examination due to reasons beyond his/her control (e.g., serious illness, accidental events etc.) may be permitted to take the special examination.
    5. For all examinations, the students may be required to show their students ID cards or personal ID for verification purpose. Students, who are unable to present their ID cards, if required, may not be allowed to sit in the examination.
    6. Student must write the program title, subject title, course code (course title) and his/her registration number, signature clearly on the front page of their \ answer sheets.
    7. The record of question papers/marked scripts/Midterm Examination / Final Examination etc. shall be preserved by the Controller of Examinations for two years after the completion of the degree program.
    8. Provisional announcement of the result of a program will be made by the Controller of Examinations.
    9. Final Notification of the results shall be made by the Controller of Examinations by displaying on the University Notice Board / Gazette / University Website.
      1. Grade point and equivalence between letter grading and numerical grading shall be as follows:



Marks (%)




80  – 100



3 – 3.99

65  – 79.99



2 – 2.99

50  – 64.99



1 – 1.99

40  – 49.99








Less than 40 % for undergraduate & master
Less than 50 % for MS/MPhil/PhD



Will not be included in GPA calculation

With drawn

* Only for BS and Master Degree Programs. There is no “D” Grade in MPhil and PhD and BSC Pharm-D.


      1. For the BSc electrical (telecommunication) engineering and BSc Engineering/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Telecommunication Technology programmes grade point and equivalence between letter grading and numerical grading shall be as follows:



Marks (%)




90  – 100




80 –  89.99




75  – 79.99

Very Good


3.0   – 3.5

65  – 74.99



2.6 – 2.99

60  – 64.99



2 – 2.59

50  – 59.99








Less than 40 % for undergraduate & masterFail



Will not be included in GPA calculation

With drawn

      1. If a student fails to obtain prescribed CGPA at the end of each Academic Year (after two consecutive Fall and Spring Semesters and summer semester) his/her admission shall stand cancelled. However the student may seek fresh admission.
      2. The following CGPA is required for secure of his/her admission in a program and successful completion.

For Undergraduate Program


        1. After first Academic Year required CGPA is 1.75
        2. After second Academic Year required CGPA is 2.00
        3. After third Academic Year required CGPA is 2.25
        4. After fourth Academic Year required CGPA is 2.50*

For Master Degree Program


        1. After first Academic Year required CGPA is 2.00.
        2. After second Academic Year required CGPA is 2.50*

*A student, who obtains CGPA of 2.25 or more but less than 2.50 upon the completion of entire course work, may be allowed to repeat once two courses of the lowest grades (C & D) in order to improve the CGPA and to obtain the minimum of 2.50, failing which the student shall cease to be on he rolls provided that he/she has availed the maximum
permissible repetitions.


For MS/MPhil Degree Program


        1. After completion of course work required CGPA is 2.8*
        2. After second Academic Year required CGPA is 3.0.

*A student, who obtains CGPA of 2.5 or Additional but less than 2.8 upon the completion of course work, may be allowed to repeat once two courses of thelowest grades or allowed to enroll more courses (if offered) in order to improve the CGPA and to obtain the minimum of 2.80,failing which the student shall cease to be on the rolls provided that he/she has availed the maximum permissible repetitions.


For Ph.D Degree Program


If a student fails to obtain 3.0 CGPA at the end of each academic year (fall and spring) his/her admission shall stand cancelled. However he/she may seek fresh admission.



Grade Point Average (GPA): This is a figure
ranging from 0 to 4.00 (A=4.00) used as a performance indicator of a student in the semester concerned and is calculated as:

GPA = [Total weighted points of all courses taken in the semester concerned] / [Total number of credits enrolled for in the semester concerned]

Weighted Points = [Grade Points] x [the number of credits of the course concerned]

CGPA = [Total weighted points of all courses taken] / [Total number of credits enrolled for in all semesters]


      1. Within the framework of General Rules/Regulations for the award of a graduate or a postgraduate degree special/specific Rules may be applicable to certain egree programs. These rules may be issued by the University in order to ensure quality standards and performance of the candidates. General Regulations are included but not limited to:
        1. Undertaken a program of study for a period not less than the prescribed period of study given for that program.
        2. Completed the total credit hours of courses as stated in the regulations for that degree.
        3. Passed the prescribed examinations.
        4. Fulfilled minimum course work and lab work requirements.
        5. Qualified the comprehensive examination (where applicable)
        6. In case of thesis passed the Viva Voce and / any other mode of assessment prescribed by the University.
        1. The CGPA will be reported up to two decimals but for determination of merit position CPGA will be calculated up to four decimal. In case of a tie merit position will be determined on the basis of the weighted percentage marks obtained.
        2. All students obtaining CGPA of 4.0 will be declared on the Honours List.
        3. Compilation and notification of the results will be made by the Controller of Examinations.


      1. Absence from any scheduled examination is permissible only in extreme situations beyond the control of the student as approved by the Vice Chancellor. Serious illness of the student or death of the immediate family member is regarded as a legitimate reason for scheduling a special examination. Even in an emergency situation, the student or someone on his/her behalf must inform the Chairperson of the Department in writing before the examination is held. Request for scheduling a special examination must be made by student and submitted to the Chairperson, along with other required documents, within one week of missing the examination. The Chairperson will send the case to Controller of Examinations for notification after the approval of the Competent Authority. The special examination of the mid semester examination will be managed by the concerned teacher and chairperson of the department before the commencement of the final examination.
      1. Whereas,special examination of the (missed) final semester examination must be held during the next summer break or before the Midterm examination of next semester. Such a candidate shall be given Incomplete Grade (‘I’ Grade). Private arrangements for special examination between a student and the teacher are not allowed.


      1. All departments should have a 3 member Committee headed by a senior faculty member to redress the grievances of the students about any course instructor or grades or for any other issue.


      1. The Supervisory Committee for a student shall be proposed by the respective Board of Studies of the Department/Institute during the 3rd semester for the thesis and for research project only one supervisor will be appointed by Chairperson in respective semester. In PhD program Supervisory Committee and thesis topic will be approved by BoS and ASRB after successful qualification of comprehensive examination.
      2. Supervisory Committee shall consist of the 03 members of the department. Therefore, the constitution of the Committee is given as under;
        1. Supervisor
        2. Member-1
        3. Member-2

However, if an outstanding specialist in a major or minor/elective field of study is available outside the department/University, he/ she may be taken as a member of the Supervisory Committee as “ Supervisor-2” on
‘ceteris paribus’.

      1. Supervisor of the student will act as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee.
      2. Supervisory Committee proposed by the respective Board of Studies and recommended by the Chairman/ Director of the Institute shall be approved by the Competent Authority.
      3. Supervisory Committee may be revised with the reasons of change to be recorded by the Competent Authority but not after the submission of thesis to DAS. Further all the rules therein laid by HEC from time to
        time will be followed strictly.
      4. In case, a student duly recommended by the Chairman/ DirectorPrincipal is concerned to conduct his/her complete/part of thesis research in other institution/ laboratory, is allowed by the office of the Dean/Director; the helping scientist will be taken as Supervisor-2 in the Supervisory Committee of the student. However, the university will not bear any financial liability in this context.
      5. Foreign Faculty members, HEC National Professors/HEC Eminent Scientists may act as Supervisor/Member of the Supervisory Committee.
      6. Faculty on Tenure Track System (TTS) / Interim Placement of Fresh PhD program (IPFP) will be considered at par with regular faculty for appointment as member of supervisory committee.
      7. Contract teachers may act as Supervisor / Member of the Supervisory Committee only in Mphil program , where, there is shortage of regular faculty members.


        1. Candidates pursuing a program of study which includes research component must pass the prescribed courses before proceeding with the research work & also fulfill the residential requirements. He/she is required to submit thesis submission form and thesis examination fee before the submission of thesis.
        2. For the evaluation of research reports at under graduate level an examination committee comprising of senior faculty members of the department will be formulated by the respective chairperson of the
        3. The topic of the Thesis and the panel /list of the External Examiners are to be approved by the Board of Studies of the concerned Department.
        4. Thesis/Research report has to be submitted within 60 days (90 days for PhD) after the last day of termination of last semester unless extension has been approved by the Competent Authority.
        5. The student who will enroll beyond their stipulated limit of the semesters will have to pay an additional tuition fee of 50% for every semester above the regular fee.
        6. The thesis must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided by the academic department/faculty concerned.
        7. The thesis duly certified by the Supervisory Committee that the contents and form of the thesis are satisfactory for submission shall be sent to the external examiner by the office of the Controller of Examinations (CE) for evaluation. A
          panel of three examiners per student shall be submitted to the CE office by the Chairman of the respective Board of Studies on or before the submission of thesis.
        8. Candidates must submit the required number of the copies of the thesis as determined by the program for the purpose of assessment and examination. Original Plagiarism report along with the certificate from Supervisor and Declaration by the student must be submitted while submitting the thesis to the respective Directorate. The Directorate shall notify the dates for the semi final and final phases of thesis submission.
        9. The thesis shall be evaluated by a Board of Examiners comprising members of the Supervisory Committee and external examiners (National) appointed by the Vice Chancellor from the panel of names recommended by the Board of Studies. At least three/four members of the Board of Examiners of whom one at least must be an external examiner shall be
          appointed to evaluate the thesis, hold a viva voce examination and such other tests as they are considered necessary for the degree. The external examiner/s shall be given reasonable time to go through the
          contents of the thesis critically.
        10. Supervisor, after consultation with the external examiner shall decide the date, time and venue ( in campus) for thesis evaluation.
        11. There shall be 120 marks corresponding to 06 credit hours allocated for thesis.
        12. Total marks so awarded will be converted into a letter grade as mentioned under clause 16.5 above and average grades on the basis of course work and thesis will then be worked out to calculate the final
        13. The thesis evaluation should be completed within six months from the date of dispatch of thesis by the Controller of Examinations to the quarter concerned. The Controller of Examination shall get the approval
          of the external examiner from the Vice Chancellor and thesis shall be dispatched to him/her accordingly. In case of regret from the first External Examiner nominee(s), second approval of External Examiner nominee (s) shall be sought within eight weeks from the Vice Chancellor by the Controller Examination. However, the Vice Chancellor may allow
          extension for thesis evaluation up to one year in hardship cases.
        14. The supervisor shall send the award list of thesis examination after counter signature of the Chairperson to the office of the Controller of Examinations after making sure that the student has incorporated the suggested improvements. The Controller of Examinations shall notify the result of the student after receiving three hard bound
          copies of thesis.
        15. In case of disagreement between the Supervisory Committee and the External Examiner regarding the acceptance of the thesis it shall be referred to another external examiner whose decision shall be final.
        16. If a candidate fails in the thesis examination, he/she will submit a revised thesis within six months after the date of declaration of the result of the last thesis examination,on payment of the prescribed thesis examination fee. He/she can avail this chance only once.
        17. If the thesis, submitted by a candidate for final evaluation, is proved to be copied/ plagiarized at the time of viva-voce examination, it will be liable to be rejected on the report of Board of Examiners and the Controller of Examinations will declare the candidate fail in thesis examination. The admission of such candidate shall be cancelled and he/she shall not be readmitted under any circumstances.
        18. f the thesis of a candidate is proved to be plagiarized after its evaluation and declaration of result, previous result of the candidate will be cancelled and he/she will be declared to have failed in thesis examination. Such candidate shall not be re-admitted under any circumstances.
        19. To publish an approved thesis or any portion of it, the student mustindicate clearly that the said thesis was submitted to the University as fulfillment of requirement for the Degree Program.
        20. The University reserves the right to use the thesis or otherwise for teaching and research purposes as and when required.
        21. After submission of the thesis, the students will not be allowed to stay in the University hostels.
        22. The Convener of the Board of Studies (BoS) shall act as Chairman of thesis examination.






Note: Writing on the thesis cover binding will be in golden, engraved, bold, Times New Roman/Ariel form.

        1. Office of the Dean will maintain student record for 3 years afterthe declaration of final result. After that period, the record may be disposed off with the permission of the Vice Chancellor.
        2. Color of the thesis cover for various programs will be as under:






Note: Writing on the thesis cover binding will be in golden, engraved, bold, Times New Roman/Ariel form.

        1. Office of the Dean will maintain student record for 3 years after the declaration of final result. After that period, the record may be disposed off with the permission of the Vice Chancellor.


        1. Every member of the University community is responsible for upholding the highest standards of honesty at all times. Academic honesty is expected from all the concerned (the students, teachers,
          technical and administrative staff etc.) of all levels.
        2. Cheating, tcccccccccccchat is, using or attempting to use unauthorized
          assistance, material or study aids in examinations or academic work will
          be called for disciplinary action.
        3. Plagiarism: using the data, or written material without specific or proper acknowledgment is an academic dishonesty that shall result in disciplinary action.
        4. Tempering or an attempt to temper any academic record or transcripts in any manner will result in the termination of the study of the student involved.
        5. Exchanging or passing information to other students through any electronic or network means during an examination is considered cheating and shall be liable to disciplinary action.
        6. Any form of unfair means or irregularity by a student or a group of students will be immediately reported to the Departmental Examination Committee which will forward it to Discipline Committee (Examinations) for establishing facts and fixing responsibility (ies). Severity of penalty imposed on the student can range from termination or expulsion from the Programs for a specified period or monetary fines or both./


        1. For admission of candidates from other Universities, Colleges, Institutes, etc. to this University whose courses/examinations are different from the corresponding courses/examinations of this university, a standing committee of the Academic Council called the Equivalence Committee, shall be set up to examine the cases of such
          students and make recommendations to Vice Chancellor for final approval on behalf of the Academic Council. The members of the equivalence committee shall hold office for two years.

**regarding conversion of grades/marks obtained in Semester system into Annual system or vice versa.


        1. Not withstanding anything contrary to these Regulations/Rules, the Vice Chancellor shall have the powers conferred by the statuary bodies to issues order, directions or instructions for the smooth working of the Academics affairs of this University and on the issue(s) which are not covered under these “Semester Rules”, where any rule(s) /Regulation(s) are silent or in cases of ambiguity or discrepancy as regards into the interpretation of these Rules, the decision of the Vice
          Chancellor shall be final.


      1. All the academic matters shall be routed through proper channel i.e. through the Chairperson/Incharge of the Department/Director and Principal/Dean/Coordinator of the faculty concerned.
      2. After submission of the thesis, the students will not be allowed to stay in the University hostels.
      3. Office of the Director, Advanced Studies/ Undergraduate Studies will maintain student’s record for 3 years after the declaration of final result. After that period, the record may be disposed off with the permission of the Vice Chancellor.
      4. The maximum number of Ph.D students under the supervision of a full time faculty member will be only 05 which may be increased to 08 following the rules provided by the HEC.
      5. There should be at least three full time PhD Faculty members in the relevant subject; to launch the PhD program
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